Dental Implants Look Very Natural 

Dental implants can support aesthetically pleasing crowns, bridges, or dentures

Dental Implants Restore Full Strength and Function 

Dental implants are a revolutionary way to restore full strength and function to your mouth. They are strong, durable replacements for missing or damaged teeth. Implants are made of titanium, a metal that is compatible with the body’s tissue. The titanium is surgically implanted into the jawbone where the missing teeth used to be. Over time, the implant will fuse with the bone, forming a secure base to which a replacement tooth or bridge can be attached.

Implants provide a strong and secure foundation for replacement teeth, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. These artificial teeth look, feel, and function just like your real teeth, and are just as strong.


Dental Implants Preserve Your Facial Structure 

A dental implant preserves your facial structure, supports teeth to help preserve your natural smile and look, and provides an anchor for replacement teeth. They are a durable way to replace missing teeth and maintain chewing function.

Implants also help to preserve bone mass that can be lost when a tooth is missing. This helps to maintain the structure of the face, and prevent the sagging or shifting of the surrounding teeth.

It’s also worth noting that dental implants can last a long time with proper maintenance care.

Dental Implants Are Cost-Effective 

Implants generally last longer than other tooth replacement options and better improve oral health. While the initial costs can seem high, dental implants are an extremely cost effective way of replacing missing teeth given the benefits they provide and the length of time they last.

Dental Implants Are Low Maintenance 

Caring for implants is simple! Brush, floss, and schedule regular dental check-ups.

Eat a healthy diet. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and proteins will help keep your implants healthy. Avoid sugary, acidic, or processed foods.

Avoid (or reduce) smoking and drinking alcohol. Smoking and drinking can damage the gum tissue surrounding your implants, leading to inflammation, loss of bone, and implant failure.